Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Profile Analysis

In his presence on Facebook, with 160 hometown friends, at least 110 college friends, and over 500 total friends looking on, _________ cleverly uses his profile to represent his standing as a potentially professional stage performer. In preparation for such a public career, it is easy to see why ________ would so cleverly market himself from the start in such an appealing way. From his photos to his interests, _______ comes off as just the friendly, but slightly ambiguous performer one would look for. His cover photo, depicting him taking control of the stage in full costume, is just one of many performance pictures he showcases on his profile. These include him playing parts such as a king, a gentleman, and the infamous Stefon from Saturday Night Live. His profile picture is also evidence of his competence, depicting ______ in front of a large star, putting in the minds of those watching, how he may one day be the star. His additional information is short and to the point, but his TV show and film preferences are extensive and fun to see. _______ tells us only the basic information we need to know as future fans and is using incredible foresight to predict what he will want the public to know in the future. Each bright and cheerful picture reminds us of his presence and potential and his concise information reminds us he is a celebrity waiting to happen.

Kayla Guillory
Stanford University | Class of 2018
B.S. Candidate | Mechanical Engineering

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